Hello all,
The next Dial -A- Santa meeting will be held on Thursday week the 28th of
July at 7.30pm at the Dome Cafe on Mends street next to the Windsor hotel.
The Dial -A- Santa project is a Rotaract project in which santa visits are
arranged with the proceedings going to a children's charity. It is a
longstanding project run by the Rotaract clubs of Western Australia and has
been running continuously in WA since 1981.
You can find an overview of the project at www.dialasanta.com
Veronica, Simone and I met last Wednesday to start putting the wheels into
motion. I have put my hand up to coordinate the project as chair but we need
hands on deck to take bookings from the public, publicise the event and send
out press releases to the media including radio and newspapers, seek
volunteers to be santas and helpers and coordinate suit bookings.
We are also looking at beneficiaries for the proceeds of the project this
year. We have recently been in support of the clown doctors.
If anyone would like to help out please come along!! It is a very worthwhile
project but we do need volunteers for it to succeed.
It would be great to see representatives from all rotaract clubs.
Richard Taylor
South Perth Rotaract