Dear Rotaractors, Rotarians and Friends
Hello and welcome to UWA Rotaract 2006. A year to be filled with fun, enjoyment and achievement!
Lauren Basanovic your Rotaract 2005 President here. I am back from summer studies in Europe and here to update you on the current goings on..
1. AGM 2006- UWA Rotaract AGM 2006
When: THIS Tuesday March 14th at 1pm
Where: Social Sciences Lecture Room G210 (SSCI G201)
(If one stands on the oak lawn facing the ref it is to your right in the new social sciences area)
What: At this meeting all 2006 Committee and Club Positions will be elected
Who: All interested members and friends are welcome to attend
Why: Great way to meet new people, help the community and learn about the club
2. Nominate for a Committee Position 2006
If you would like to Nominate for a UWA Rotaract Committee Position please contact us by email at or leave message on our website at
Attached to an member this email sent out earlier this week is a summary of the positions and roles of the club -> please download to peruse and find a position you are interested in :)
3. ODAY Thank you
Personally and on behalf of all the Rotaractors I would like to sincerely thank Jessica Harris and our dedicated group members who organised the Rotaract Stall at ODAY 2006. Your efforts were outstanding and truly appreciated.
See you all THIS Tuesday..have a lovely weekend..and nominate nominate nominate
We will keep you posted for upcoming Rotaract events via email
Service Above Self
Lauren Basanovic
UWA Rotaract President 2005
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